Color Psychology: How Color Affects Us

color psychology

It’s no secret that color profoundly impacts human emotions and our perception of the world around us. Just imagine a powdery sky blue, and you may feel calm, while thinking of a bold red may feel energizing – or even dangerous. Color psychology works to explore how different colors evoke specific feelings, shape human behavior, […]

Is All Color Powder The Same?

discount color powder

Planning a gender reveal party, a color run fundraiser or other similar celebratory event requires some form of color powder. It’s natural to ask yourself if you can make these colors at home or if it’s safer to buy the color powder of your choice online. Safety is obviously a big concern for prospective buyers. […]

Blue Color Powder Gender Reveal

blue color powder gender reveal

Having a baby boy is so exciting! There are many ways you can use blue color powder to reveal to your friends and family that a new little man is coming into their lives. Here are five ways to enjoy sharing the news with them. Blue Color Powder Toss it up Blue color powder in […]

Pink Color Powder Gender Reveal Ideas

pink color powder gender reveal

When it’s time to let your family and friends know the gender of your baby, there are some fun ways you can do it using color powder. Here are five ways to enjoy sharing the news with your tribe. Dark Balloon Pop With Pink Powder Inside Pink color powder inside of a giant reveal balloon […]