Color Walk/Run Style Events Quick Calculator

Not sure how much color powder to order for your Color Walk/Run/5k style event?

Use the calculator to quickly determine about how much color powder you will need for your event. Simply fill in the fields and click Submit to find out exactly how many bags you will need, no email or contact information required.

How does it work?

This calculator is based off of color walk, run, or 5k events that use what we call “The Dixie Cup Method.” This is exactly what it sounds like. Your volunteers will be using 3oz Dixie cups to toss the color powder at the runners as they pass by each station. We prefer this method because the cups are cheap, biodegradable, and it is great for metering your throws (making calculating your needs very easy).

To host a color event using this method, plan to set up 3 – 7 color stations along your course. If you are going to be on a track or loop, you will most likely use the same station for all the colors, but the concept is the same.

At each, your volunteers will toss 1 cupful of powder at each runner. So if you have 7 stations, each runner will have 7 cupfuls of powder tossed at them, leaving them looking like a rainbow by the end of the race. Likewise, if you choose to only have 3 color stations, each runner will have 3 cupfuls of powder tossed at them. Typycally, you will have only one color at each color station, but its your event so you make the rules!

Depending on how many volunteers and participants you have, you can either pre-fill all the cups and have them sitting out on tables, or divide your bulk powder into a 5 gallon buckets and volunteers can quickly refill their cup by dipping it into the bucket.